SDK v1.33 now support automation for FW Update operations.

The Firmware Update of Datalogic Android devices can be done in several ways.

The first option is via the Graphical User Interface, by using the “Local Upgrade” command under the Datalogic Settings menu and selecting a file copied locally to the device containing the new firmware (Datalogic Settings / System Update / Local Upgrade).

As a second option is by using Datalogic Scan2Deploy Studio and creating a FW update profile that will be applied by reading the generated QR code.

As a third option, many EMMs directly integrate support for updating the device's FW; in the EMM's interface you can directly select the image to be uploaded and the EMM will do the rest.

However, until now, for all other cases in which one wished to automate the FW update, there was no built-in method, or rather a system intent, that allowed the direct updating of firmware from image files and its integration in a third-party application.

For several years it was necessary to rely on integrative tools that acted as a bridge.
A first option was offered by the additional DXU's FW update intent exposed by the Datalogic Desktop Configuration Utility.
The second option was using Scan2Deploy Studio and create a new Scan2Deploy Firmware Update profile to be activated through the broadcast of a Start Activity Intent (with the activation of a graphic interface) or Start Service Intent (silent activation).


With the advent of the new SDK v1.33, Datalogic has integrated three New Intent Receivers into all its Android 11 devices, enabling an easy automation of firmware updates and the installation of Espresso packages.

The Firmware Update Intents can be Broadcast, Start Service or Start Activity.
In addition to the file_path of the image file to be uploaded, the Intent Extras allow the calling application to specify whether to do a Reboot, or whether to do a Factory Reset or Enterprise Reset at the end of the update.

Once started, the Firmware Update process is completely unattened. The FW images of all the Datalogic device can be found on under the Products section.

For detail see ACTION_SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE in SDK Documentation.
More information and samples are available in the article How to: Update the firmware of Datalogic devices through the Intents SDK.